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Feb 16, 2012

Configure Email Notification about Component Job Fail

Configure Email Notification about Component Job Fail
  • Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > System Alerts.
  • Select Administrator Email Alerts and select Copy Record from the applet-level menu.
  • Enter the following details as shown in below image.
  • Set the Workflow Process Manager component to use this event notification profile. [Change the Parameter Value: to Profile You Just Created It. 
  •  Parma Name: Notification Handler

  •  Param Name: Notification Action on Task Ex     Value = 1

  • Now create a job for this component without any parameter to generate an error message.

  •  See the Result in Outlook express.

How to create a Constraint PickList?

Today, I am going to share a very basic, and I would say a, "unique feature" in Siebel by which we can restrict values being displayed inside the PickList.

Here you go, "lets assume I need to create two fields a) Country b) State, on Opportunity business Component, along with their respective pick-lists, in such a way that system will display the list of States in the drop-down which belongs to the 'Country' selected in the Country Field."

Here below are the steps need to follow:

1. Check for the available columns (Characters Length: 30) in S_OPTY table, which is not being used by any of the field in Opportunity Business Component. Lets assume two fields for the purpose are ATTRIB_01, ATTRIB_02.

2. Create two PickLists for Country & State fields.
a) For Country
PickList Name: Country PickList
Project: Oppty
Bounded : TRUE
Business Component : PickList Generic
Static : TRUE
Type Field : Type

b) For State
PickList Name : State PickList
Project : Oppty
Bounded : TRUE
Business Component : PickList Generic
Static : TRUE
Type Field : Type
Type Value : STATE_LIST

3. Create LOV values in "Administration - Data -> List of Values" view, with the following values (I am assuming you know how to create LOV values)
a) For Country : (Type = COUNTRY_LIST)
Values = US, India
b) For State : (Type = STATE_LIST)
Values = Georgia, Ohio, Texas, NewYork, NewJersey (Put Description = US, for all)
Values = Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnatka, Gujrat (Put Description = India, for all)

4. Create two fields on Opportunity Business Component.
a) For Country
Name : Country
Column : ATTRIB_01
PickList : Country PickList

Country's Field PickMap
1. Field: Country
PickList Field: Value
Constrain: FALSE
b) State
Name : State
Column : ATTRIB_02
PickList : State PickList

State's Field PickMap
1. Field: State
PickList Field: Value
Constrain: FALSE

2. Field : Country
PickList Field : Description
Constrain: TRUE
5. Create two fields on Opportunity List Applet :
a) For Country
Name : Country
Field : Country
Display Name - StringOverride : Country
Runtime : TRUE

b) For State
Name : State
Field : State
Display Name - StringOverride : State
Runtime : TRUE

6. Expose the two fields created on the Edit List webapplet layout of the Opportunity List Applet.

7. Compile the SRF with all the configuration done so far and see the magic on the UI.

Siebel Diagnostic Data Collector

1 – Collect the Gateway Server Details with the following Command.
             Note: Ensure that you gateway server is up and running state.
 A.     Open the command prompt and change the working directory.
 %Siebel Installation Dir% Gateway Server Dir / Bin Folder
              B.     Type the following command to run SDDC.
Siebsnap.exe     –g     –u SADMIN     –p SADMIN
                  -g  :   Stand for Gateway Server
                  -u  :    Stand for User ID
                  -p  :    Stand for User Password
Note:  This command will generate the following directory with all the details:  Refer the Image here.

 2 – Collect the Siebel Server Details with the following Command.
            Note: Ensure that you siebel server is up and running state.
C.     Open the command prompt and change the working directory.
%Siebel Installation Dir% Gateway Server Dir / Bin Folder
            D.     Type the following command to run SDDC.
Siebsnap.exe     –s     –u SADMIN     –p SADMIN
                  -g  :   Stand for Siebel Server
                  -u  :    Stand for User ID
                  -p  :    Stand for User Password
 Note:  This command will generate the following directory with all the details: Refer the Image here.

 3 – Collect the Siebel Web Server Extension Details with the following Command.
            Note: Ensure that you web server is up and running state.
E.      Open the command prompt and change the working directory.
%Siebel Installation Dir% Gateway Server Dir / Bin Folder
            F.      Type the following command to run SDDC.
Siebsnap.exe     –w
                  -g  :   Stand for Siebel Web Server Extension

Note:  This command will generate the following directory with all the details:  Refer the Image here.

Feb 13, 2012

Error While Generating a New Database

Error While Generating a New Database

SBL-GDB-00004: Error in Main function.

Error Details:
Executing  “Generate New Database” Job resulted in following error.
SBL-GDB-00004: Error in Main function

We increased the log level for Generate New Database Component and analyzed the generated logs. In logs we found the following information

Trace TracingInfo 3 0 2009-04-28 02:37:54 Copying template /siebdir/sieb78/siebsrvr/dbtempl/sse_utf8.dbf
to /siebdir/sieb78/siebsrvr/dbtempl/db42r53.682/sse_utf8.dbf...
GenericLog GenericError 1 0 2009-04-28 02:37:54 Error creating SQL Anywhere database template file (UTLFileCopy szTemplFileName -> szWatcFileName).


Further analysis revealed that sse_utf8.dbf file was not present in  /siebsrvr/dbtempl. After going through bookshelf and metalink we came to conclusion that there are two files that should be present in /siebsrvr/dbtempl/ folder


We copied these files from other server and exectued “Generate New Database” Job and it ran successfully.

Siebel License Key Update from Back-End

Siebel License Key Update from Back-End

When one needs to insert license key to Siebel CRM server when the Administration-Application option is not available
after logging in as SADMIN/SADMIN, please log into the Microsoft SQL Server Management studio and then type the following DB queries:

use siebeldb

select * from S_REPOSITORY

select * from S_APP_VER

select * from S_APP_KEY

update S_APP_KEY
set APP_KEY = '7207 0105 7880 5783 3210 3318 0417 3444 2103 3197 3818 7591 8759 1870 0187 5916 1241 8744 1873 2187 5918 7591 8759 8726 2180 4221 032'
Where ROW_ID='1-K53'


I went to Administration Application > License Keys and applied the license keys on my local and was successful. I was able to see all the views related to this key.

I have searched in the Support Web and found the resolution for this issue. You can check for the Doc ID 530845.1. This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3279920201. Below steps will resolve the issue.

    * Copy the sse_samp.dbf file from \Webclient\Sample\utf8 folder to the \webclient\local folder.
    * You need to change the connect string parameter under [Local] section of CFG file. In my case it was uagent.cfg file. Your original connect string will look similar to string given below

          ConnectString = C:\PROGRA~1\Siebel\7.8\WEBCLI~1\local\sse_data.dbf -q -m -x NONE -gp 4096 -c15p -ch25p

    * Only change the dbf file name to sse_samp.dbf. This way all the attributes related to the local db is available for the Sample db also. The final connect string parameter after editing should as below.

          ConnectString = C:\PROGRA~1\Siebel\7.8\WEBCLI~1\local\sse_samp.dbf -q -m -x NONE -gp 4096 -c15p -ch25p

    * Now log into the dedicated client as Local with Sadmin/sadmin.
    * Apply license key from here as New button is enabled.
    * Log out and move back the sse_samp.dbf file to original Sample\UTF8 folder to continue to work as usual.
    * Change the Local connect string to the original one.
    * Re-log in to the Sample DB to view the new views.

Apart from this way, we can also add license key from Tools or Inserting the key into S_APP_KEY table under the Sample DB using dbisqlc.exe.

Hope this may be useful to someone.

How to Do Load Balancing on Siebel Server [Manually]

How to Do Load Balancing on Siebel Server [Manually]


1.      Connect to Enterprise using the command prompt.

A. Open CMD and change the path to %Siebel Server Installation Directory%BIN
B. Type the following command to connect to enterprise.

Srvrmgr –g gateway_address  -e enterprisename  -u userid  –p password

Example1 :
Srvrmgr –g R0346  -e OUEnt  -u SADMIN –p SADMIN
2.      Generate the load balancing file with the following command.

Generate LbConfig

Note: this command will generate a .txt file with all the enterprise server as virtual servers.

%Siebel Server Installation Directory Path%Admin% lbconfig.txt

3.      Now Lets modify our eapps.cfg file to enable the load balance on the web server. [Remember this is done automatically when apply the logical profile on web server but for learning purpose we are going to do it manually].

    1. Open the eapps.cfg file and change the following values in it.
Look into the following Section: [ConnMgmt]

EnableVirutalHosts =    TRUE
VirtualHostsFile      =  /SiebSrvr/Admin/lbconfig.txt

    1. Locate the following section in eapps.cfg file.

    1. Change the following lines:

ConnectString = siebel.TCPIP.None.None://R0346:2321/OUEnt/SSASampleComponent

                        Replace the Server Name and Port with [VirtualServer] word.

  1. Restart your IIS Admin Service and Login into Application.

Create your Own Object Manager

Create your Own Object Manager


1. Create a New Component Group with the following Details:

SSA Custom Group
This component group is created for testing and learning the concept and practice of creating our own object manager in using it through application
Note: This component group does not have any component inside it. But the state of this group is enabled.

2. Now let’s create a component definition to add in this group.
a.      Click the Component Definition tab and query for * Call Center *.
b.      From the Applet Level Menu or Press Ctrl-B to copy this record.
c.       Change the Values from the below table.

SSA Custom Component ObjMgr
Component Group
SSA Custom Group
This is the newly create Object manger.
Note: Component parameters are populated once you step out or save the record.

a.       Activate the component by clicking the Activate Button.
b.      Click back to Component Group tab and Query for SSA Custom Group. Now notice that one component is added in this group.

3. Now let Enable and test this group. All we need to do is that, Edit eapps.cfg file to test the object manager.
a.       Assign the Component group on the server and enable it.
b.      Restart your Siebel Server by going to Services Window.

4. Now lets edit the eapps.cfg to replace the existing object manger with new one which we have just created it.
a. Go to the Installation Directory of Siebel Web Server Extension and Bin directory. Create a backup copy of your eapps.cfg before you start editing it.
Now Search the following String in the file:
c.       Change the connection string parameter with new Object Manager Definition.
ConnectString = siebel.TCPIP.None.None://R0346:2321/OUEnt/%Place Comp Name%
d.      Save the file and Restart the IIS admin service.

5. Open internet explorer and type the following url to test it.

Feb 8, 2012

Siebel Master Data

Master Data

Objective - To learns Siebel master data.

Introduction - In Siebel there is two types of data- 1.Customer Data
                                                                                    2. Master Data
1. Customer Data is dynamic, transactional type of data.
    It is managed by organization ownership, position and id.
Examples: service requests, opportunities etc.

2. Master Data is static, referential type of data.
   It is monitored by administrator.
Examples: literature, partner programs, competitors etc.

      To administer Master Data catalogs & categories can be used.
      The visibility of data can be determined by catalogs & categories.
          Eg. customer documentation for credit card accounts
Catalog: It contains hierarchy of categories. It does not contain direct data but acts as container for the categories. It can be marked as private.
ü      Public catalog can be visible to all users.
            We can mark individual categories private under public catalogs.
ü      Private catalog has visibility for only defined access groups.

Catalog should have catalog types. Seed catalog types are infocenter, customer, etc.
Categories: these are nodes of catalogs. Can have subcategories under it. It contains master data. They can not be shared between catalogs. But the different catalogs can have same names of categories.
If a category is declared private, all of its subcategories are also private. Their visibility can be managed by access groups.
Access Groups & Access Control: It is collection of positions, organizations, user lists, households etc.
 It can’t contain individuals. We have to create user list (In applicationà Administration-group- user list.)
 These can be organized in the hierarchy. Child has more privileges than parent as it inherits the access of  parent.
For controlling access assign access groups to catalog & categories.
Eg- Access groups-for catalog “ credit card customer ”,then the categories under it like “gold”, ”platinum”,” silver”.
The access groups under categories (child) have more access than catalogs (parent).

An access group can only be added to a category if:
 The access group is also assigned to the category’s parent, or  access group is a child of an access group assigned to the parent.
Removing parent access group removes all subsequent access from children.

Steps to create catalogs and categories.
1. Create the Catalog
Go to Admin-catalog-create new. Add name,type, active.
2. Add Categories to the Catalog
Drilldown  catalog. Add categories. Use promote/demote to make subcatagories.
3. Associate Master Data with Categories
Add data like literature, product, curriculum, solutions etc.
4. Declare Catalogs or Categories Private
By checking private flags make intended  categories,subcatagories private.
5. Create Access Groups
 Create access groups Admin – Group Access- Groups, parent access groups,add party (organization/userlist/etc.)
6. Assign Access Groups
Assign it to catalogs and categories.


Feb 7, 2012

How to invoke a Siebel Business Service

Business Service (BS): Is a place where you write to code to implement business rules and process.
We can also write the code at Bus Comp and Applet level but that makes our code and business logic to be
           • Distributed
           • Difficult to manage
           • Cannot be reused
Siebel Business service has a slight more overhead than the code at Applet or Bus Comp level but it helps us to make our code
            • Centralized
            • Easier to manage
            • Can be reused
So general rule of thumb to select where to write the code is
If same business rules are applicable on more than one entity then we write a generalized code at BS level.
You can create business services in
Siebel Tools: Code change is SRF dependent.
Siebel Client: Code change is SRF independent.
You can read more on both kinds of business services in the following post.
We can invoke a business Service through
1.    Runtime Events
2.    eScript
3.    User Property
4.    Runtime Events

To call a business service through runtime events
Enter the following information in the Action Set that you are creating
Business Service: Business Service Name
Business Service Method: Method Name
Business Service Context: “Input Argument”, “Value”
And based on the Event that you choose this business service will be invoked

• eScript
You can use the following Code to invoke a business service from escript
var svc = TheApplication().GetService(“BS Name”);
var Input = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
var Output = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
Input.SetProperty(“Type”,this.GetFieldValue(“Status”)); // Input Agruments
svc.InvokeMethod(“BSMethod”, Input, Output);

•    User Property
You can use named method property to invoke a business service from BC but this method is rarely used as it including complex conditions in the User property might not be possible. But it can come quite handy if you just want to invoke BS based on simple conditions

Name: Named Method 1
Value: “New Record”, “INVOKESVC”, “BS Name”, “BS Method”, “‘Input Agrument’”, “Value”, “‘Input Argument 2’”, “Value”

Invoke a Workflow using Custom Buttons

******* Invoke a Workflow using Custom Buttons *******

Create the Workflow as per your requirement.

1- Validate it to ensure there is no error.
2- Publish and activate the workflow.

Create button and write a code to invoke workflow.

1 - Create a Control and Assign the following properties:
            - Name , Display String Override , Runtime , MethodInvoke : "CallWF"

2 - Invoke the Web Layout.
            - Place the button on form.

3 - Write a Applet Server Script to Call the Method and Enable the button.

            function WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod (MethodName, &CanInvoke)
                        if(MethodName == "CallWF")
                                    return (CancelOperation);
                        return (ContinueOperation);

4 - Create Applet User Property :
            Name : Named Method: CallWF
            Value : 'INVOKESVC', 'Workflow Process Manager', 'RunProcess','"ProcessName"', '"%Name of your workflow here%"', '"RowId"','[Id]'

5 - Test the Record


Feb 4, 2012

Data Validation Manager Part 1

Data Validation Manager

1 - Whenever user creates a new Service Request you need to ensure that he write a summary about it.

So here lets process it with DVM Concept. (Data Validation Manager)

Let Begin the Practice with Simple Example as mentioned above:

1- Open Siebel Call Center Application and Loing with SADMIN with Connecting to Sample database.

2 - Go to Administration - Data Validation Screen and Enter the Following Details

            1 - Lets Create a Validation Message First:
            Message Code : SR101
            Message Level : Service Request         
            Message Source : SR Validation Process
            Message Text : Service Request must have a summary.

            2 - Lets Create a Rule Set to enforce our business policy.
            Name : AUT SR Validation
            Business Component : Service Request
            Business Object : Service Request

            3 - Click[Rules Tab] in the bottom Applet and Define your rule.
            Name : Description Validation
            Expression : [Abstract]IS NOT NULL
            Business Component : Service Request
            Apply to: Current Record
            Start Date: Today's Date
            End Date : As per your wish
            Retrun Code : SR101
            4 - Goto Rule Details Tab and Check the following Property to prompt the Message.
                        - Stop on Error : True
                        - Immediate Display : True
 3 - Now Lets call our Validation rule using a Data Validation Manager Business Service using Workflow Process.
            1 - Create a Workflow with the following Property:
                        Process Name :
                        Project :
                        Business Object :
            2 - Drag following steps from platte.                 
                        - Start - Business Server - End
3 - Configure the Step as per the given images. 


4 - Validate the workflow to ensure that you don’t have any error.
            5 - Publish and activate the workflow.

4 - Login Back to Siebel Call Center Application to Reload the runtime Events.
            - Administration - Runtime Events
                        - Click on Events
                        - Click on Menu and Select Events.
5 - Create a Test Record and Check it.

Siebel IP 2017 - Web Tool Development Steps

Siebel IP 2017 Development and Deployment Steps : 1. Click on the Workspace Icon in Siebel Web Tools application. 2. Create a New work s...