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Jan 30, 2017

Create Employee From Siebel Web Service

Creating inbound web service to allow external application to create Employee User in Siebel

External application should be allowed to create an Employee user in Siebel application. 

The follwoing example is provided using a copy of “Siebel Employee” business service (class CSSEAIDataSyncService) as follows: -
1.    Login to Siebel tools application.
  1. Create a copy of the standard Siebel Employee business service and change Name and Display to Siebel Employee Interface.  For test purposes, renamed to Siebel Employee Interface Test. 
  2. Select Business Service Method and confirm that a number of methods are present (Delete, Insert etc). 
  3. The business service references an integration object. This integration object is specified in the Integration Object property of the Business Service Method Argument where Name = SiebelMessage.  For each business service method, set Integration Object and Display Name to the name of the integration object that you want to use Example “Siebel Employee Interface". 
  4. The integration object is also specified in the Value property of the Business Service User Prop where Name = Internal Integration Object.  Set Value to the name of the integration object that you want to use e.g. “Siebel Employee Interface”.
  5. Compile the business service to the .srf used by the client and the server.
2. Login to Siebel Application: -
a.       In the Client select Site Map > Administration – Web Services > Inbound Web Services and create and publish an inbound web service record for your business service, by performing the following steps:
                                                   i.      First, click on the Business Service MVG to open the applet, then click on the {New} button.
                                                 ii.      Enter a name for the business service and select it from the 'Service Name/Business Process Name' picklist.
                                               iii.      Click {Save} button to close the applet.
                                               iv.      Then, then select the business service you just added and then click {Pick}.
                                                 v.      Detailed step on this link
b.       Generate a WSDL
                                                   i.      In the Inbound Web Services view, choose the inbound Web Services you want to publish and click Generate WSDL. A WSDL file is generated that describes the Web Service.
                                                 ii.      Save the generated file.
                                               iii.      Share this wsdl file with Third party system.

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